What is the future of business?
The approaching convergence of exponential technologies will make a transformative impact on the future of entrepreneurship and our shared experience. The application of innovations in areas like automatization, artificial intelligence, bio-metrics, information technologies and 3D printing to name a few is creating new opportunities and challenges in the world of business along with changing our social norms. How to stay on the cutting edge?
In the 9th session of OMGKRK Academy, taking place during Krakow Startup Week 2018, we have invited speakers from Digital University to equip us with the mindset and skills we need to successfully navigate the future.
The event was hosted and moderated by Paul Kulon Head of Operations at the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK.
About Digital University
As a Digital University Foundation we are engaged in wide-ranging education in new technologies. We organize conferences, trainings, workshops, lectures and social and educational campaigns. We aim at disseminate knowledge and spread awareness in the field of digital technologies and their impact on businesses and the lives of people as well as to motivate to undertake development activities in this area. Foundation offers a huge dose of knowledge to all enthusiasts of digitization and innovation. We cooperates with world-renowned speakers and outstanding specialists from the world of business and science. We also educate children (including children from an orphanages) organizing for them DigiKids Academy.
Izabela Bartnicka
Digital University
Sir Martin Sorrell (Founder and CEO of WPP) said ‘Technology will never again change as slowly as it does today.’ Though artificial intelligence grows faster than we suspected few years back and in just 2 years there will be flying cars, we still haven’t started preparing for the digital future. Izabela provided us tools to successfully navigate in technological future.

Wojciech Daniło
CEO of Luna
Domain experts are data illiterate. Their skills are focused on domain expertise with less skills in statistical knowledge and coding. Data scientists are on the other end of spectrum – they have a statistical knowledge and coding skills but lack domain expertise. Qualified data scientists are unicorns. As you may notice between domain and data experts is huge communication gap. So far nobody knows how to do it right. Does Wojciech figured it out? He created Luna.