Entrepneur Club is a flagship event cycle organized by the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK in partnership with nightclub Szpitalna 1 with the mission of inspiring and educating the next generation of creative entrepreneurs and creators in Krakow. Entrepreneur Club strives to bring together Krakow’s and Poland’s leading innovators and entrepreneurs working in creative fields to share knowledge, exchange networks and catalyze new ideas. By inviting distinguished and accomplished speakers to attract an ambitious and motivated audience with a strong dose of art and music mixed in, Entrepreneur Club is a late evening well spent for anyone trying to take their project to the next level. Entrepreneur Club is an attempt to support young creators in turning their passion into a viable career and advance the monetization of their work by showing successful examples. You can check out past E-Club nights here.
Entrepreneur Club #4 is special Because it occurs during Krakow Startup Week 2018 and marks th one year anniversary of the event cycle. To match the occasion, the evening features and outstanding lineup of speakers. Coming all the way from Białystok are the brilliant minds behind the legendary Up To Date Festival. The festival’s Artistic Director Jędrzej „Dtekk” Dondziło and Creative Director Cezary Chwicewski will share how they attract thousands of electronic music lovers to Białystok’s City Stadium and organize an unforgettable weekend experience. Attendes of Up To Date Festival bought their ticket on Going App, Poland’s premier online ticket sale and event promotion platform. Coming from Warsaw is Filip Sarniak who will share how his team built the creative startup that is Going App including their recent blockbuster partnership with Empik. Finally, Krakow music lovers were likely exposed to Up To Date Festival on Off Radio, the city’s leading digital radio station. Aneta Hudzik will tell the story of Off Radio and the growth of the platform.
As always, after the presentations there is an after party with Fresh Start DJs with special guest Dtekk.
Grab Free Tickets On Going App

Jędrzej Dondziło aka Dtekk
Art Director – Up To Date Festival
A real one-person institution of the Polish electronic music scene: a DJ, a devoted promoter and a cultural activist. Jędrzej Dondziło is the originator of the Up To Date Festival, its art director, strategist, coordinator and so much more. He believes there is no compromise when it comes to music, there is nothing like it: either an excellent act or just an economic lineup filler.
Cezary Chwicewski
Creative Director – Up To Date Festival
Up To Date Festival has long been the apple of his eye. He is the festival’s creative director, strategist, brand-builder, PR fanatic and much more, also a multiple awards winning filmmaker who sets new standards promoting cultural events. He believes you can achieve anything you pursue despite a majority’s disbelief unless you cannot, and if the latter is the case you start over or simply have some enjoyable rest.

Filip Sarniak
Partnership Manager at Going
At Going, Filip Sarniak works with partners and institutions including the organizers of events and festivals. He manages patrons, marketing and applications that Going creates for these events and institutions as well as tickets and event services. At Entrepreneur Club, Filip will speak about Going as a multimedia platform, what services in provides its users and how it cooperates with partners.
Aneta Hudzik
Music Journalist (Off/On, B-sides)
Communication & PR Off Radio Krakow
Manager of Public Relations at OFF Radio, journalist, DJ and promoter. She is responsible for partnerships with media, publications and the largest festivals in Poland. Aneta will speak about how 1 room with editors, a studio and 2 turntables plus a dozen or so enthusiasts is enough to successful lead a semi-professional radio station. OFF Radio Krakow launched in 2015 and is one of many digital radio channels in the country. OFF Radio time slots are filled with programming by local DJs, producers and journalist tied with niche types of music.



This event is realized with financial support from the City of Krakow.

This event is realized with financial support from Małopolska.