#OMGKRK Looking For Local Software House To Build A Community Innovation Tool

  #OMGKRK Ecosystem Innovation Tool   What are the reasons to build this tool/product? The reasons to build this product are to: Increase innovation in the community. Have ecosystem information in a centralized location. Stimulate matchmaking. Raise awareness about opportunities within the local ecosystem in Krakow. We want users to feel empowered, that this tool…

#OMGKRK Events 2018

Key #OMGKRK Events 2018     #OMGKRK Academy Cycle A mix of TED Talk and Y Combinator Startup School, #OMGKRK Academy strives to inspire and educate the next generation of entrepreneurs through the power of example by inviting leaders and innovators from the business and tech world to share knowledge with the community on how…