Female Founders Meetup: A Space To Thrive

Introduction A Space to Thrive is a recurring cycle of events organized by the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK bringing together female startup founders and leading experts to facilitate growth, exchange of best practices and support matchmaking of women entrepreneurs. Our objective is to aid the growth of the international female founders’ community and to create a…

Pitch & Bridge Summerside: International Startup Competition | SLP Canada x INPUT Program

Summerside XChange is a new startup accelerator program in Prince Edward Island that provides real-life testing and experimentation and prepares startups for fundraising from North American VCs. The program helps international startups to find the best resources for establishing and scaling their companies in Canada and throughout North America. The two relevant industries are Energy and Waste Upcycling. The grand prize…

Poland Prize International Partners

1. Organizacja: Input Program  http://foreign.inputprogram.com/?lang=en    Kraj: Węgry   Charakterystyka/Opis działalności: Program INPUT to rządowy projekt o wysokim priorytecie, finansowany ze środków UE, który powstał w 2016 roku. Celem programu jest tworzenie i pielęgnowanie węgierskich startupów technologicznych, które są konkurencyjne na rynku międzynarodowym. Jego celem jest ułatwienie wzrostu i transformacji węgierskiego ekosystemu startupów poprzez zachęcanie…

Virtual Founders Breakfast #7: Building An Edu-Tech Unicorn ft. Michał Borkowski CEO Brainly

Virtual Founders Breakfast #7 Building An Edu-Tech Unicorn featuring Michał Borkowski CEO Brainly Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 at 8:00am via Zoom Why Attend? Virtual Founders Breakfast is a monthly recurring early morning event organized by the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK bringing together startup founders, industry experts, investors along enterprises to generate growth, exchange best practices and…