What is BLDG?
We provide comprehensive support services in the process of implementing new products and services on the market, ranging from concept design and business assumptions, financing options analysis, process modeling and documentation, to investment support, obtaining financing and support in its settlement.
* We advise on how to develop innovative ideas i.a. startup funding,technology commercialization, business scaling.
Description: We realistically advise on how to develop a company and choose the best source of financing investment plans for this purpose. We support clients with knowledge and experience in the field of obtaining and settling non-returnable grants, seeking private investors and crowdfunding.
* We effectively support entrepreneurs including through development grants, business consulting, and new investments.
* We support enterprises in building competitive advantage by choosing the best sources of financing for development needs.
What is BLDG looking for?
Our company wants to become part of this developed community in order to be able to share and use jointly created resources such as customer, entrepreneur and startup databases. The direction of development of our company is a satisfied customer who will be ready to share us with others. To fully our development, it is necessary to focus on acquiring new customers and entrepreneurs to be able to meet their expectations at the highest level of satisfaction.