Zabłocie Innovation Hub Update: Mostostal Warszawa Wins Bid For “Design & Build’

The City Of Krakow has delivered the long-awaited outcome on which the company will execute the physical transformation of two dilapidated warehouse buildings in Zabłocie into a contemporary multi-disciplinary complex for business. The “Klaster Innowacji Społeczno-Gospodarczych Zabłocie 20.22” provides an opportunity to energize Krakow’s innovation and creative sector. Mostostal Warszawa Offer Selected There were five…

A.I. Building Management System DABBEL Wins Startup Hub’s Poland Prize

A.I. Building Management System DABBEL Wins Startup Hub’s Poland Prize (Warsaw – Poland) An injection of international technology entrepreneurs would be a game-changer for the Polish innovation ecosystem. The evening of December 16th in the filled trading room of the Warsaw Stock Exchange,  La Grande Finale of Startup Hub: Poland Prize provided a glimpse of…