KITS Demo Day 2021 | zobacz 8 najlepszych startupów!

Już 30.09 o godz. 18:00 prezentacja 8 startupów z 4. edycji Krk InnoTech Starter! Założyciele startupów będą mieli 7 minut na przekonanie do swojego pomysłu jury, a po każdej prezentacji inwestorzy będą mieli 5 minut na ich weryfikacje w formie pytań. Dla najlepszych wystąpień przewidziane są nagrody pieniężne. Przewidziana jest również nagroda publiczności – nie…

Poland Prize International Partners

1. Organizacja: Input Program    Kraj: Węgry   Charakterystyka/Opis działalności: Program INPUT to rządowy projekt o wysokim priorytecie, finansowany ze środków UE, który powstał w 2016 roku. Celem programu jest tworzenie i pielęgnowanie węgierskich startupów technologicznych, które są konkurencyjne na rynku międzynarodowym. Jego celem jest ułatwienie wzrostu i transformacji węgierskiego ekosystemu startupów poprzez zachęcanie…

6 Months of free access to customer support, engagement and sales CRM products.

Our partner Zendesk which is a service-first CRM company with support, sales, and customer engagement products designed to improve customer relationships offers you the tools you need to deliver a better experience for your customers and prospects. This offer is only available for Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK startups that are new customers with fewer than 100…

Krakow Ecosystem Data Initiative

Krakow Ecosystem Data Initiative  Why Submit The Matchmaking Data Form? Value For The Innovation Ecosystem (Report + Database Product) Krakow innovation ecosystem report Database available for public use Data used for Foundation strategic decision making Insights shared with KPT, Miasto Kraków, Startup Poland Matchmaking Value For Your Company (Matchmaking Service) Currently matchmaking advanced startups and…

We are a partner of AWS AI Challenge!

Vestbee, the biggest online matchmaking platform in Central & Eastern Europe that connects regional startups and scaleups with global VC funds, accelerators and corporates has just launched AWS AI Challenge with its Technology Partner, Amazon Web Services. This AI business-oriented program aims to put the spotlight on innovative AI startups and help them with the…

Responsive Email Template

Newsletter From Omgkrk – Krakow Startup Community Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser 15.5.2020 THE PITCH 1 Sentence Description An entrepreneur seeks to build something from nothing; to take an inspired idea and make it a reality. This OMGKRK Academy session will explore what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur -…

[CM Name] : [1 Sentence Description]

[1 Sentence Description] [Organization Type] [Membership Level] [Industry/Sector] [Team Size] [Founding Year] [Presentation] Section 1 – About/Storytelling [Fixed] [Full Organization Description] Section 2 – Careers [Fixed] [HR Copy] Section 3 – Contact Get in touch with this organization! [address = map]

Therapify won the Polish edition of Techstars Startup Weekend as a solution for the mental health industry during and post COVID19 pandemic!

COVID19 affected and changed the whole economy. Due to the lockdown a lot of companies report a decrease in profits or are forced to reduce employment. However, there are some industries that are positively affected by COVID19 – eg. telemedicine.  Therapify, a startup from our community, seems to be a perfect example of how quarantine…