Attracting Capital & Investors

Introduction Richard Lucas – Foundation #OMGKRK Artur Karczykowski – Sunfish Partners Szymon Janicki – HCM Deck Paulina Białek – Expara Group Description Panel participants emphasized the problem of women’s insufficient role in creating innovative ventures. It was pointed out that the percentage of women running their own start-ups was too low and that there was…

Empowering Women Founders

Introduction The moderator of the panel was Katarzyna Wabik from Revolut. The panel was attended by 3 founders of Krakow startups: Agata Frankiewicz – DEKO EKO Justyna Uman-Ntuk – Bogumila Matuszewska-Wojtyła – DrOmnibus Description Panel participants emphasized the problem of women’s insufficient role in creating innovative ventures. It was pointed out that the percentage…

Boosting Startup x Corporate Business Roadmap

Introduction Experts participating in the panel were: Wojciech Ożóg – Head of Ericsson Garage Eoin McCoy – Member of the board of the ASPIRE Association representing over 180 Krakow corporations Piotr Lipnicki – CTO – Reliability Solutions (Cracow’s startup), former leader of cooperation with startups at ABB and Filip Mościcki Member of the Archdesk business…

Member Test

#OMGKRK Stakeholders Become an #OMGKRK Member! More details here. DON'T HESITATE TO USE #OMGKRK HASHTAG TO STAY UP TO DATE We hope you like our newsletters. If you don't, simply unsubscribe. Message sent by Fundacja Wspierająca #1OMGKRK ul. Podole 60, Krakow 30-394 email:, KRS: 0000602259. <resignlink>Kliknij, aby się wypisać</resignlink>

The Weekly Pitch, October 1st: #OMGKRK Academy #9, Entrepreneur Club #4, Wawel Dragons Cave Pitch and Ambitious Students

The Weekly Pitch Hey! Over the past year, the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK has been building strategic partnerships with three innovation ecosystems: Warsaw, Kyiv and Berlin. And #OMGKRK wants to share this network with you. We have several business angels from Warsaw attending Wawel Dragons Cave Pitch. If you are an early stage startup and want…