The Pitch
- As holiday season approaches fast we would like to invite you to one of the biggest Kraków Startup Community events of the year: X-Massive!
- We are happy to announce the newest #OMGKRK Stakeholder Member, Grand Parade part of William Hill.
- This weekend we were pleased to be guest in Startup Weekend Krakow! The winner is: Energy Monitoring System and special distinction got: Let’s Play!
- Upcoming winter with #OMGKRK will be extraordinary. Join us during our 3 days marathon of startup events. First, we will meet during our 10th Academy on December 12th in Metaforma Cafe, next day you are all invited to Entrepreneur Club #5 in Szpitalna 1, on Friday don’t forget to join us during X-Massive (possibly the best-known startup party) in VR-Cafe. This year theme? Matrix!
- Do you remember our Wawel Dragons Cave Pitch winner? Dekoeko is now about to conquer yet another huge competition as they join finale of Chivas Venture competition in Poland and will find to represent us during January 17th in Amsterdam!Stay warm!#OMGKRK Team
Grand Parade
#OMGKRK is proud to announce that we start cooperation with Grand Parade part of William Hill. Check out open vacancies below. You will have a chance to find out more at X-MASSIVE next week!
OMGKRK Member Spotlight
Innovation Ecosystem Database of Krakow
Check out all free bases we’ve already made. Among you’ll find a list of Kraków Startups, Software Houses, Coworking Spaces, Event Cycles and more!
From Base to Zendesk Kraków
Teu, December 11th
Base is a startup from here – they started the company in 2009 and grew it from the ground up in Kraków. After a long journey, they’ve just opened a totally new chapter – became Zendesk Kraków in September.
Aula Polska Kraków : #7: UX i optymalizacja
Teu, December 11th
During the event, the speakers will share their knowledge about how properly prepared content affects optimization and SEO, how to effectively and legally acquire subscribers to their newsletter, how to design a UX online store, to make shopping in it a pure pleasure and what is the process of designing experiences of the future.
OMGKRK Academy #10
Wed, December 12th
The end of the year always offers a good opportunity for reflection and the theme for OMGKRK Academy #10 is Krakow Tech – Year In Review. We believe that 2018 was a big year for the Krakow innovation ecosystem filled with stories of growth and success.
Entrepreneur Club #5
Thu, December 13th
The event supports creators in turning their passion into a viable career by showing the best examples. This time you have a chance to hear Unsound Festival story!
Fri, December 14th
Unplug from the online simulation and meet hundreds of innovators face-to-face at #OMGKRK X-Massive 2018. For the 4th year, the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK invites everyone in Krakow’s innovation ecosystem for an evening of combining business with pleasure at this holiday party with an edge.
Mon, December 17th
With all of our amazing, entrepreneurial community we are meeting for the most chirstmasy Christmas Party of the year! Bring your friends, colleagues and anyone who wants to just spend this time in welcoming, friendly atmosphere. We will sing carols, talk and celebrate together this amazing upcoming holiday season.