Mobile Trends Conference, a meeting of mobile technology enthusiasts – 2 days, 50 lectures, endless inspiration
The date of the Polish celebration of mobile technologies is approaching. On March 21 and 22, a conference and gala with the most prestigious awards in the industry await us. In the Multikino in Krakow, hundreds of specialists from all over Poland will meet again. They will collectively acquire knowledge, establish connections, and examine market changes from the past year. This is a unique event. Why? The organizer has prepared 2 days, 3 stages, 6 thematic blocks, and nearly 50 lectures! Why should you be there?
We can be sure that 2024 will bring further development in mobile technologies. Currently, we already have over 6.7 billion mobile subscriptions. And that’s just the beginning! By 2028, this number is likely to increase to 7.7 billion. This demonstrates the significant value of continuous investment in the development of these areas.

Who is Mobile Trends for?
- Entrepreneurs utilizing mobile technologies,
- Entrepreneurs creating mobile technologies,
- Startups seeking development opportunities,
- Individuals involved in designing mobile applications,
- Individuals involved in marketing, commerce, AI, and fintech,
- Individuals involved in UX/UI design and research.
Participants will deepen their knowledge through dedicated tracks!
There are 6 thematic areas over 2 days. These include: #AI, #Management, #UX, #Fintech, #Marketing, #Commerce. Experts will share their knowledge and experiences, providing concrete tips for improving business results.

Noteworthy are the coffee breaks and networking opportunities. This gives us a chance to have conversations with renowned speakers over the course of 2 days. Knowledge is within reach! Each speaker represents a different approach and aspect related to mobile technologies, providing participants access to dozens of perspectives.
Everyone will find something for themselves!
The agenda features names such as:
- Aleksandra Przegalińska, an experienced specialist and researcher in technology, business trends, and artificial intelligence.
- Paulina Walkowiak, the CEO of, an application helping eliminate issues blocking sales in e-commerce.
- Monika Mikowska, the dynamic head of the UX agency Mobee Dick, specializing in the design and research of digital products and services.
- Artur Kurasiński, who has been observing and explaining the impact of technology on our lives for over two decades.
- Maciej Kawecki, a technology popularizer, scientific journalist appointed by the European Commission as the Digital Ambassador of the EU. President of the Institute of Lema.
- Bartek Sobczak, who served as a product director and mobile director for companies such as Empik, Modivo, and eobuwie for the past 7 years.
- Bartek Pucek, the CEO of Forward Operators – an expert partner in building services and products based on AI.
- Krzysztof Wojewodzic, the CEO of Escola and an active researcher in AI and education.
- Dominika Bucholc, a consultant, project manager, and marketer, focusing on the study of artificial intelligence and behavioral economics.
- Radek Drzewiecki, the CEO of LP Group & Youniversity, the creator of the Skuteczny CEO podcast and the author of a bestselling business book.
- Lech Kaniuk, an experienced manager and business scaling expert, co-founder and CEO of SunRoof, one of the most well-known figures in the startup scene in Poland and Sweden.
- Paula Skrzypecka, a senior lawyer at Creativa Legal, Ph.D. in legal sciences. She provides comprehensive support to technological companies, startups, and software houses.
- Marcin Stopa, the Head of NeuroResearch at Neuroinsight Lab, Learning and Development Partner at SeeWidely, and the creator of NeuroEfektywnie.
- Adrian Gamoń, a brand strategist and expert in brand communication and social media, AI, speaker, and business trainer.
- Anna Ledwoń-Blacha, Co-founder & Creative Director at More Bananas agency and co-founder of CRASH Mondays.
How many of these speakers do you already know? And these are not all of them! Don’t worry; in March, you’ll get to know everyone, but until then, check the program on the website.
Who will win the Mobile Trends Awards 2023?
We also mentioned the gala. What’s it about? For 12 years now, the competition jury has awarded MTA statues. Projects are evaluated for user adaptability, innovation, and recognizability. Among the nominees are strong brands, as well as startups with a chance to win the statue and the title of the winner.

The jury consists of experts long associated with the mobile industry. They identify the strengths and weaknesses of the submissions. Only the best applications and campaigns have a chance for nomination, making it a significant honor. Selected projects continue to compete and have the chance to join the elite of high-level app development.
They nominated over 70 projects!
In 2024, in as many as 12 categories like #commerce, #fintech, or #banking, 72 projects were nominated! This includes companies like VeloBank, Żabka Polska, Modivo, LPP, Orlen, and Group. You can see the rest of the nominations here.

Who organizes Mobile Trends?
The organizer of Mobile Trends is Escola, a technological company creating web and mobile applications. Besides its main activities as a software house, the company diversifies its business with its own products, such as wellms, an educational and course solution.
Partners of Mobile Trends Conference
The Silver partner of the conference is Devinti. Another Partner is Miquido. The conference is also supported by myVOD, contributing its platform. Its involvement makes the event comprehensive and provides participants with valuable knowledge regardless of their location.
Media and community partners
Among the Media Patrons are: Android, Bankujesz, Biznes2Biznes, CommerceTrends,, Ecomersy, eGospodarka, Focus on Business, FXMAG, Gazeta MSP, Grafmag, MarketerPlus, Mobirank, Poradnik Pracownika, Poradnik Przedsiębiorcy, Samodzielny Przedsiębiorca, Virtual IT, Customer Experience Magazyn, Case Study.
Community Partners include: Deva Group, dailyweb, Innovations Hub, Internet Beta, SemKRK, SemWAW, Techies Space, SoDA, Business Accessibility Forum, OMGKRK.
Thanks to their involvement, the event becomes even more diverse and accessible to a wide audience.