Hybrid Founders Breakfast #13
Growth Strategies For A Hybrid World:
Panel Discussion On Building A Resilient Tech Business
Andrei Checiches – General Manager EMEA at FLYR Labs
Przemyslaw Kadula – CEO and Owner at Everuptive Group
Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 at 9:00am @ Yolk Workspace & Zoom
Why Attend?
The event provides opportunities to facilitate valuable new connections and one-on-one access to decision-makers. This breakfast features speakers engaging in a conversation, exchanging their knowledge and experience on a selected growth-related topic.
We bring together founders, industry experts, investors along with enterprises to discuss growth, exchange best practices and facilitate matchmaking.
We invite you to coffee and pastries
It has been a year and a half since the corona pandemic disrupted the world and significantly impacted the way we work and how companies grow. What has changed and what has stayed the same? What have tech businesses learned about resilience and being prepared for the next crisis? With the first Founders Breakfast with an in-person component, entrepreneurial decision-makers will share how they and their companies have adapted and transformed for the ‘new normal’ with its hybrid operations and ongoing uncertainty. Growth strategies for recruiting talent, creating company culture and business development along with the fundamentals of being a resilient technology business will be discussed. Join #OMGKRK at Yolk Coworking or via Zoom for our panel!

This project is organized by the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK.
Hybrid Founders Breakfast Agenda
8:45 Soft Open
9:00 Welcoming by the Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK
9:05 Opening Panel: Growth Strategies For A Hybrid World & Being A Resilient Tech Business
Andrei Checiches – General Manager EMEA at FLYR Lab
Przemyslaw Kadula – CEO and Owner at Everuptive Group
Moderated By Dominika Walec – President at Foundation Supporting #OMGKRK
9:25 Icebreaker / Breakout Rooms
9:30 Discussion With The Audience
9:50 Wrap Up & Call To Action
10:00 Mentorship & Matchmaking Breakout Sessions (optional)
Featured Speakers
Andrei Checiches – General Manager EMEA at FLYR Labs
Andrei Checiches is the General Manager of FLYR Poland with extensive experience in the Financial sector and IT Product Development. He spent a big part of his career running global IT organisations for large corporations with a focus on innovation and simplification. FLYR Labs provides airlines with the insight and intelligence for making the best-informed decisions.
Przemyslaw Kadula – CEO and Owner at Everuptive Group + Managing Director of Talent Place
Przemsylaw Kadula is an entrepreneur whose vision is to make recruitment and education more personalized and digital. He is CEO and Owner at Everuptive Group.
Everuptive Group disrupts the job market by creating innovative products with a product portfolio that includes talentplace.pl, skillveo.com and notatek.pl