What is it all about?
It deals with guide synchronizing information about COVID-19 in Poland, and is all about local needs and actions!
It’s an international social initiative aimed at disseminating reliable, accurate and timely information about COVID-19, based on grassroots initiatives and knowledge about the real needs of local communities.
JOIN those who NEED help and those who want and can ACTION
Check out their Initiatives:
- Actions– Get on the platform and act now: acquire knowledge, share tips, inform about initiatives you can engage in and take care of yourself.
- Information– Latest and accurate global and local virus information, necessary precautions, etc.
- Inclusion– Do you have the opportunity to help create an information platform about COVID-19 in Poland, about local needs and actions? Report back!
There’s More!
Join an urban group around the country that facilitate the urgent daily needs of the local community.

Together with #OMGKRK’s very own GirlsUp Mentee Startup I HELP YOU, this initiative is Global! The initiative began on March 14, 2020 Spain with over 10,000 users: social entrepreneurs, activists, programmers, local ombudsmen and people who just want to change something. It is currently being built by volunteers in 14 countries around the world.
IHELPYOU.app. It is designed to connect people volunteering to help others with everyday tasks, such as walking the dog or doing the shopping.
How does it work?
- If you need someone to help you beacuse you cannot or dont want to risk going out, find the nearest Volunteer on the map
- If you can volunteer to help and have time, please register and help others. Thank you!
- Whether you are volunteering or in need of help, permisssion is needed to use your geolocation. This way you can find Volunteers near you or help them determine your area.