What is Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie?
College of Economics and Computer Science or WSEI was founded in 2000, and on this day he college was entered into the register of non-state institutions of higher education. WSEI’s initiator and founder was Consulting and Training Institute Ltd, a Cracow well-established consulting and training company, whose many years of business experience inspired the strong industry-orientation and career focus of academics programs offered at WSEI
What is Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie looking for?
Cooperation in our events/mentors on events/jointly organized workshops/traineers for our courses/lecturers
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College of Economics and Computer Science is a community of open minded and forward thinking faculty and students and administrators. Our ultimate mission is to enable a deeply practice-oriented education focusing on continuous development. We are an institution of higher education created by passionate individuals for passionate individuals. For us, higher education is a quest for professional excellence and a fulfilment in life. We are down to earth in our commitment to equip our students with the appropriate skills and the right mindset, and yet we believe that the educational process should be overflowing with fun, independence, excitement and creativity.
We provide a deeply practice-oriented education focusing on continuous development. We are an institution of higher education created by passionate individuals for passionate individuals. For us, higher education is a quest for professional excellence and a fulfilment in life.
We are down to earth in our commitment to equip our students with the appropriate skills and the right mindset, and yet we believe that the educational process should be overflowing with fun, independence, excitement and creativity.
We cooperate with people who are distinguished by their creativity, diligence and intelligence.
Our students are seeking ways to enrich their learning experience and opportunities for rewarding careers. They welcome meaningful challenges and are quick to respond with genuine passion full commitment.
We enthusiastically welcome quest speakers are able to immerge their listeners in their passionate world of business and entrepreneurship, real life challenges, tackling organization problems, managing change and coming up with creative solutions to both mundane and strategic problems.